Westgate Shopping Centre, Oxford

Westgate Shopping Centre (locally known as Westgate) is a shopping centre in central Oxford, England.



Westgate is located at the west end of Queen Street, where the west gate of the city of Oxford used to be situated. A car park, including a multistory section, is attached to the shopping centre, with access from Oxpens Road. Plans to expand the shopping centre – tripling it in size – are well underway, with construction originally planned to start January 2009. However due to the economic downturn in the UK, particularly in the South East, the project has been postponed indefinitely[1] with the possibility that the project will be scrapped.[2]WESTGATE STARTED IN 1972

Bonn Square is close to the main entrance and Oxford Castle is to the northwest.

Planning approval

In September 2004, The Westgate Partnership published its master plan for the Westgate area of Oxford. This set out a strategy to provide improved and extended retail space as part of a wider regeneration of the Westgate area to ensure any new development is integrated into the surrounding area and takes into account the city’s history.

This was endorsed by the City and County Councils in October 2004. Following this, the Partnership worked on issues raised during the consultation period and in August 2005, published a Response to Consultation, which incorporated work undertaken with the Transport Working Group.

Since then, work has been undertaken on the detailed design in consultation with local stakeholders, including the local community and special interest groups. A detailed planning application was submitted on 13 June 2006.

On 9 March 2007, Capital Shopping Centres received approval for the extension and the partial redevelopment of the existing Westgate Shopping Centre.

Redevelopment features

The mixed-use scheme to regenerate the Westgate area includes:

Transform Oxford

The Westgate redevelopment is just part of a wider scheme proposed by the City Council. This scheme includes a total reroute of the centre of Oxford to "pedestrianise" the city.

The multi-million-pound scheme, entitled Transform Oxford, is only a blueprint for public consultation at this stage, but County Council officials are confident it will go ahead.

Expansion criticism

In 2008, a local campaign group called Oxford Against Westgate Expansion was set up to oppose the redevelopment. The campaigners are highly critical of the consultation process that led to the approval of the plans, and point out that the redevelopment would create more traffic and air pollution, demolish the Abbey Place sheltered housing complex and chop down 40 mature trees. An underground multi-storey car park is planned which campaigners say may increase flooding in Oxford due to its location on the flood plain. They also criticise the building's design, saying it would be highly inefficient and contribute to climate change.

See also


  1. ^ George Hamilton, Global slump hits Westgate. Oxford Mail, 11 July 2008.
  2. ^ Reg Little, Fears mount over Westgate, Oxford Mail, 5 February 2009.

External links